The Art Direction Show

Digital platform all about Art Direction.

The Art Direction Show is a comprehensive collection of information, tips, behind-the-scenes interviews, and everything to do with commissioning work from artists. Originally an Upstatement internal project solely for internal use, we opened our url to the public and started publishing interviews with artists we had worked with previously and ones we had our eyes on. In addition to the main site, we populated our full of resources for people of the world. There are directory channels full of type foundries, illustrators, photographers, and studios. Ups Moods created periodically, Artisanal Gridmasters, Future Green, Websites That Make Me Go Wow, and more all collaboratively populated by the team and the public.

I played a supporting role on this project in writing, design, and production at Upstatement.

We made shirts too! Photos from our wonderful printers at Lucky House MFG.